Friday, April 29, 2011

No Good Deed Ever Goes Unpunished

These series of plays occurred over a three week period at The Place in the Klavnork Keep, Torgan Empire. Taure Ru


Damian (silverwing.benoir): does anyone know where Sirena went? I would like to speak with her

Ina (ina.crannock): she is upstairs…points

Damian: aha thanks. He walks up the stairs and locates Sirena who is dancing on the balcony

Damian: Greetings Sirena. We meet again.

Sirena Lauria shakes her head and sees the trainee she once healed. "Greetings Damian."

Damian: I am Queen's Ranger Damian, here to make an announcement.

Sirena raises an eyebrow at the ranger and says "Well, spit it out man."

Damian: The dancer Sirena saved my life some weeks ago when she found me unconscious in the forest, shortly after I arrived in this land.

Manwell Roux: Greetings King Zig ... this is a nice place you have here ... I like it very much *looks around*

Damian: I owe Sirena my life.

Sirena calls down to the green orc "Greetings King Zig."

Damian: She made it clear that she does not like rangers and humans but ... It is not right that one so beautiful and talented should live her life with such fear in her heart.

Zig (grotch.qarnac): Greetings Lady Sirena

Damian: I hereby make it my quest to change the blackness she holds for rangers into lightness.

Manwell: In good time Lady Sirena ... in good time *smirks*

Damian: Such a light would only serve to make her even more beautiful than she already is.

Sirena is speechless for a split second. Then she says "You are crazed Damian. Go away."

Odil Lumiere: does not always pay to save a handsome young man

Zig: How do you fare Lady Sirena?

Damian: Remember I am here to protect you if you ever need it

Sirena Lauria says to King Zig "I am being accosted by a Sylvan ranger. I need a peace keeper to remove him! Can someone remove him from my presence please?"

Odil Lumiere: hehe

Zig: Ranger, you are upsetting the Lady

Morgoth Dragonash shrugs... "Rangers..."

Zig pulls a straight edge from his boot

Damian says "This is a good time for a new pipe."

Manwell Roux: *stops dancing*

Kami Kaze (kaminari.exonar): Aw, unrequited love, how... nauseating

Zig: Ranger, don’t make me go all "ic" on your arse now

Odil Lumiere: how I love drama, other peoples hehe

Damian: no need for 'ick' Zig. I am leaving her. back to dancing!

Odil Lumiere: so busy listening to all the good deeds. no good deed ever goes unpunished

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