Sirena Lauria: tal Swith
Swith (cyneswith.luik) jumps, with a squeal.
Sirena Lauria giggles: I didn't mean to startle you
Swith (cyneswith.luik): 'By the gods miss... I thought yer was King Eecho fer a moment... He usually throws folk out of 'ere...'
Sirena Lauria: well, perhaps if we are quiet, no one will know we are here
Swith (cyneswith.luik) nods, putting a finger to her lips, then points to a stone slab under her arm. 'Eh... look what I found miss...' She puts the heavy thing on the ground.
Sirena Lauria takes a look and says "what is that you have there? isn't it a bit heavy to be lugging around?
Swith (cyneswith.luik) nods, 'Aye... bloody heavy. I's 'ad ta stop every cave fer a rest. Just thought might be useful to yer... I don' know what these carvin's be about... at least it nah be whisperin’.’
Sirena Lauria peers at the carvings on it "this is a key to the runes on the megalith Swith. Don't you recognize them?"
Swith (cyneswith.luik) shrugs, 'Aye... thought it were somethin' like that. But yer's already solved it, 'aven't yer?'
Sirena Lauria says, yes I have solved the carvings... but I need to find the answer to the question
Swith (cyneswith.luik) nods, 'Well maybe I leave this bloody heavy thing 'ere then. Eecho can tidy it up later..' She giggles.
Sirena Lauria: there must be more of these - this is only some of the runes.
Swith (cyneswith.luik) scratches in her hair. 'It be the only one I's seen miss.'
Sirena Lauria: well if you see any others, be sure to pick them up. someone might be willing to pay for them
Swith (cyneswith.luik) arcs a brow. 'Pay...?' She frowns, 'I's goin' ta need a donkey, 'elp me carry stuff.'
Sirena Lauria grins "There are many here who like to be first - they want to win at all costs
Swith (cyneswith.luik) grins too, 'Well if there be pay involved, I likes ta win too..'
Sirena Lauria frowns "perhaps you could sell the location of where you found these...."
Swith (cyneswith.luik): 'Yer thinks I should put it back where it were?'
Sirena Lauria says "if it was well hidden, then yes I do. But if not, then hide it yourself"
Swith (cyneswith.luik) frowns, 'I nah knows where ta put it now... can't be bothered carryin' it all the way ta the village..'
Sirena Lauria frowns as she thinks "then break it up into a million pieces
Swith (cyneswith.luik) wrinkles her nose. 'With what? Me slingshot?' She pauses before the obvious occurs. 'Oh, but there be pickaxes... hmm...' She looks behind her a while, wondering what to do.
Sirena Lauria nods "yes, pickaxes are all over this mine. Tthe dwarfs just left them lying around when they decided not to work the mines anymore'
Swith (cyneswith.luik): 'Well now I don' know what ta do... shall I bust the thing up an' move it, maybe sell it down the village... or shall I put it back? I don't trust them eerie whispery ghost voices... might come an' get me..'
Sirena Lauria says thoughfully. "I think the ghost voices are contained in the stone. As for this, I would break it with a pickaxe and scatter the pieces. it should not take more than a couple of shatters.
Sirena Lauria: After all, we both know the riddle now"
Swith (cyneswith.luik) frowns, musing a while, then looks down the tunnel behind her. 'Hmm... s'pose I'll go get a pickaxe then...'
*A few moments later*
Jordon McGillivary walks up to his friend "can I help you with that Sirena?"
Sirena Lauria says "But of course Jordon
Swith (cyneswith.luik) points 'Eh, if yer breaks it up around the runes, maybe I can sell 'em...'
Sirena Lauria takes careful aim
Jordon McGillivary turns at the sound of a voice "good morn maam. Swith. How are you? Haven't seen you in a coons age"

Swith (cyneswith.luik) nods to Jordon with a black-toothed grin and sets about breaking down the tablet with an axe also. 'I's alright sir... 'ow's yerself? It 'as been a while..'
Jordon McGillivary: "busy. very busy"
Sirena Lauria wipes her brow. I think we have them now Swith"
Swith (cyneswith.luik) leans on the axe a while and looks at the rubble. 'Hm.. aye.'
Sirena Lauria: We can each carry a few pieces out of the mines for you"
Swith (cyneswith.luik) nods and starts to push some bits into her lute sack.
Sirena Lauria picks up two runes and put s them in her pouch which is beginning to sag.
Jordon McGillivary shakes his head over the retort he knew would follow his statement and asks "What is so compelling that two ladies are below ground swinging axes?"
Swith (cyneswith.luik): 'Yer wants to 'elp sir? Yer can carry some o' these runes.'
Sirena Lauria says "Here Jordon, carry these back for Swith"
Jordon McGillivary bends and picks up all he sees
Sirena Lauria smiles "It is nice to have a strong helper." she looks at Jordon's muscles with admiration
Swith (cyneswith.luik) looks at one of the broken chunks of rock. 'ow much yer reckon I can get fer these then?'
Sirena Lauria shakes her head "I have no idea Swith. Maybe you could let it be known they are up for bid?"
Jordon McGillivary says "I can hold more if you add them to the stack in my arms"
Swith (cyneswith.luik) nods, thoughtfully. 'Hmm... nah a bad idea. Just hold off tellin' everybody yer's already solved the riddle, eh?' She smirks.
Sirena Lauria: That is a deal Swith. I will not be deluged with inquiries then. I like the way you think"
Swith (cyneswith.luik) nods, 'I likes the way I thinks too... usually makes me coin.'
Jordon McGillivary: "what riddle? What do you want with rock pieces?"
Sirena Lauria turns to Jordon "it is a long story . Shall I tell it to you over a glass of wine?"
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