Sunday, February 13, 2011

A Balance of Dark and Light

This tale takes place in Sylvhara Elen, a land growing dark when the Hoon was forcibly removed from it. Many of those who dwell in the darker realm of the Torgan Empire feel free to wander in this land that had once been light.
Sirena Lauria watches a graceful fae enter the tavern "greetings" she says politely
Casandra Shilova smiles brightly "tae'gel'kir. Isn't it a beautiful day?"
Sirena Lauria tilts her head at the fae "I hadn't noticed a sun today. Is there one?" She goes to the door to look outside
Casandra Shilova looks at her quizzically wondering how anyone could miss the golden orb "why yes!"
Sirena Lauria turns away when all she sees is the darkness and says "you are making sport with me." She shakes her head wondering if the fae has drunk too much bloodwine.
Casandra Shilova sighs and says "I'm afraid I am seeing what I wish to see"
Sirena Lauria says "I met a man today who said he wished to see the dawn. Is that not strange? It is dark where I live all the time. I do not mind it"
Casandra Shilova looks at her "it is? I could not stand never to see the sun. It is so beautiful when it rises and sets, and sparkles on the water just so"
Sirena Lauria shrugs "The sun reveals the impurities and the dross"
Casandra Shilova tilts her head and looks at her in disbelief "that is all you see with the sun? I see the beauty, the glory of the orb, the life it brings to all living things. without it they and we would shrivel and die"
Sirena Lauria says "The world keeps its balance; some places like the light and some like the dark."
Casandra Shilova dips her head from side to side and then nods "you speak wisely. I am thankful I am suited to the light"
Sirena Lauria says "Then we balance each other well. I am Sirena First Dancer at The Place of the Torgan Empire"
Casandra Shilova turns "I am Casandra. Just Casandra"
Sirena Lauria makes a little curtsy "Well met Just Casandra"
Casandra Shilova makes a noise, skips over a thought, and says "I am pleased to meet you Sirena"
Sirena Lauria asks "Are you up for some adventure fair fae?'
Casandra Shilova nods "I am. I was going to search for items to put in my pouch, but I would rather have an adventure"
Sirena Lauria raises an eyebrow in disbelief. "That is the adventure I meant. I too am looking for treasures and secret things but some of the lands are very threatening."
Casandra Shilova blinks "Really? We had the same goal this eve? How marvelous is that! I am a new member in the healers guild and searching for items for the pouch is a requirement" She turns towards the door "two of us will be safer than one, let us explore and search together"
Sirena Lauria grins "I too am a new member of the Torgan Clerics Guild." Then she frowns "I was charged by my God to learn"
Casandra Shilova turns to her "your god? your god wants, insists you learn to heal?"
Sirena Lauria says "He told me to go to the Clerics Guild and learn." She frowns again "I assume that meant healing."
Casandra Shilova nods "yes"
Sirena Lauria says "I have seen something on an island here in this land. Let me see if I can remember where. Oh I remember now. This way. If you cross that small bridge there is mandrake root for the taking."

Casandra gathers the mandrake root and they head off toward a building in the west where they encounter a curious situation.

Manwell Roux: There is a Torgan citizen inside who has been possessed by a demon ... the demon has retreated deeply inside the man due to the pain of being in a holy place
Dominique Darkwatch nods and frowns
Manwell Roux: We could help the human remain free of the Demon if only he could be sealed inside the man, unable to influence him anymore. Can you do such a thing?
Sirena Lauria listens intently at the mention of a Torgan Citizen
Dominique Darkwatch: So he needs an exorcism it sounds like...sending the demon away
Manwell Roux: *nods to the Fae with a smile*
Manwell Roux: *nods to Sirena a ways away*
Sirena Lauria smiles at the ranger
Casandra Shilova smiles in return and wonders if there is a way to help
Dominique Darkwatch: Who is tending to the man, now?
Manwell Roux: Two Rangers, one of them is a medic. But this type of thing is beyond us
Dominique Darkwatch nods and sighs "I see" She looks over to Mala "Why is she not seems an arch druid would be better than a medic"
Manwell Roux: Marcus is free of the demon for now ... i wish we could help him
Dominique Darkwatch shifts a bit and nods "I will see what I can do for him"
Manwell Roux: Lady Mala is not herself lately ... I'm hesitant to call on her for this
Dominique Darkwatch nods having heard some of the rumors "Very well...he is inside?"
Manwell Roux: Yes, I think they took him upstairs
Sirena Lauria is intrigued with the idea of Sylvharans helping a Torgan and stays to watch
Dominique Darkwatch sighs and walks inside to climb to the second floor
Casandra Shilova pipes up "is there anyone you could call upon, that I could carry a message to?"
Malakyte Thorne blinks and watches ... but holds her ground, knowing that those here may need protection
Manwell Roux: *shifts and stands closer to his friend*
Sirena Lauria moves closer to the fae who had befriended her
Casandra Shilova settles to the ground
Sirena Lauria watches the ranger enter the building. She whispers "This is your clerics hall, Casandra?"
Casandra Shilova nods "yes, it is"
Sirena Lauria sniffs and whispers "our guildhall is more beautiful"
Casandra Shilova appreciates beauty and says softly "Is it? It is simply a meeting place for those that wish to heal, it is not necessary that it is beautiful"
Sirena Lauria nods slowly "I shall show you our place of learning and worship in exchange"
Casandra Shilova nods "I would like to see it some day. You have said Torgan is dark, and I hear it is dangerous. It would not be wise for me to go there"
Sirena Lauria shrugs " Some times are safer than others. I will choose a safe time and ask my God to protect you"
Casandra Shilova nods "I will ask mine also. And my wings are useful in tight situations"
Casandra Shilova sighs "I do not think I can be of help here. I am going to depart"
Sirena Lauria turns to the fae "I think I will stay, he is a Torgan Citizen. Dark paths Casandra"
Casandra Shilova is startled at her words "Farewell Sirena, I chose light paths for myself"
Sirena Lauria nods "Safe paths then"
Casandra Shilova nods "That I will say. Safe paths for you"

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